Sunday, March 29, 2009

Church Plant Destination: Miami???

I will be doing a compilation of blogs on possible destinations for us to plant a church to reach people that aren't being targeted by other churches. Our first stop is in Miami.

I have made many trips to Miami in the past, seeing that my wife is from there. She lived there for 10 years before coming to college in Graceville (can you say culture shock). Her parents and friends are all still down here, and it is always an enjoyable time to see everyone. We arrived here last night, and today at my father-in-law's church I was able to see many of our close friends. As we look at the possibility to plant somewhere in Miami, the temptation becomes wanting to do it just because we have friends and family here. That would be a bad reason to move here! That's not to say that Miami is out of the question though. There is still a huge need right here in the MIA! After all... it is the second most unchurched city in the nation!

Tomorrow I will be meeting with Al Fernandez, the Director of Urban Impact Ministries in Hialeah, FL. I will then be driving all around Dade and Broward counties looking for possible areas of need. Danny Egipciaco, also with Urban Impact Ministries, and a local church planter will be my tour guide and residential expert. Danny and Al are both awesome guys that love Jesus. I will keep you all posted as to what the rest of this week brings. Tomorrow I will let you all know how Monday went, and I will preview my trip on Tuesday to West Palm. This could prove to be a very life altering trip for me and my family! Please be praying for us as we seek out God's will, looking for red lights in the process.