Monday, November 24, 2008

Striving For Mediocrity...

Why is it that the church seems to always be striving for mediocrity???

We always seem to be happy with the way things are. I guess it's just easier that way.

So when is it that we will take the initiative to change this???

It's not something that just happens overnight.

Some effort & sacrifice is required &... BIG things might happen!!!

It's time that we get out of our comfort zones to try to accomplish something great for the Kingdom of God! There is no magic formula to usher in excellence... just doing what it takes, even when it's not convenient or comfortable! Just like I have challenged myself recently... I challenge you to step it up and take things to a whole notha level!!! I promise it's worth it!!! Besides... I think that Jesus stepped up to the plate, sacrificed more, and got more uncomfortable than you or I could ever imagine... and it was all because He loved us!!!

So if you really claim to be so passionate about your relationship with Christ... why not do the same for Him???

Friday, November 21, 2008

Great Blog!!!

I know that many of you that read my blog read James' blog as well (if you haven't... click on James Ross' blog on under the "blogs i read" section)! I just read his latest blog that he posted today and I was blown away!!! Therefore, I just had to copy and paste his blog to my page as well. The more people that see and read this post the better... And FYI I completely agree with James' sentiments below!!!

where is the feedback? (James Ross)

I was wondering why a lot of people say they read my blog, but no one comments on it. Maybe my readers are just not good with words, maybe their too lazy to comment, or maybe they just don't get technology. Then I was advised by a friend of mine that I had to change the settings because it was currently set to only let registered blogspot users have a say. What a simple thing I was doing to disconnect people from my blog.

I think this sums up most churches today.

They have a great message, but no one is responding to it. They figure out all the reasons in the world why people are not getting into what they are doing; a liberal culture shift, young people's attention spans, money, etc. They are completely unaware of the fact that they have shut the world out and are only interacting with those "inside". It takes some simple adjustments to change from being a gathering of people focused on self to being a living body that reaches out to a world in need. The message they have is compelling, it is what people are born to hear.

The questions is whether or not the Church is ready to respond to the world's response to the Gospel.

As a blogger I am now ready for your comments. As a follower of Christ, I am ready to see you respond to the message of Christ.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dream BIG...

What do you really believe that God is capable of in your life???
Are you attempting to limit what he wants to do in and through you???

Sometimes I think that we forget how big God really is! I am currently reading a book entitled "GO BIG" by Bill Easum and Bil Cornelius, and I am constantly being reminded that God has endless potential.

Why wouldn't God want to reach your community for his glory???
Why can't he use you, or your church???

Our churches have become stagnant and stale! It is time to wake up and remember that we are to be the salt of the earth! People should come to your church expecting excitement, not dreading disaster! I believe that it is not the fault of the people, but rather it is the fault of the pastor that so many churches have plateaued and are dying. It is the job of the pastor to constantly be casting the vision of the church, so that the people know what it is that is expected of them.

Are you busy casting vision, or are you caught up in the television???

It's time to get real... we live in a sin sick Satan serving society!!!

What are you willing to do to change all of that???

At Mosaic, we believe that God is up to something BIG... not because of us, but because we serve a BIG God!!! I would tell you some of the things that we are expecting here at Mosaic, but I would have to kill you!!! LOL... no but seriously!

If your dreams don't scare you at least a little bit... are you really even dreaming???

There are things about our future church plant (Baytown) that scare me even now... and we still have over a year before we even Launch! This uncertainty is to be expected... if we ever expected to reach the unchurched people of Crestview... and the unchurched people of South Florida!!! It time to step up and step out and do something that involves a little risk... even if it means we have to get a little uncomfortable to reach our goals!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Vote YJC For President...

With the Presidential election in still fresh in our minds... we need not forget that the Florida Baptist Convention is right around the corner. I am not sure if you are happy that Obama is our President elect or not, but there is nothing you can do to change this if you voted for McCain. Just pray for President elect Obama, and our great nation!

In less than a week the Florida Baptist Convention will be convening in Lakeland, FL. During this time many things will be discussed, many friends will see on e another, and opportunities for change will be on the table. The greatest opportunity for some positive change is voting for the right candidate to be our FBC President! A good friend of mine will be one of these candidates, and I firmly believe that he is the guy that we need! This guys name is John Cross! Some of you might be familiar with him, and some may not be.

John is the lead pastor of South Biscayne Church in North Port, FL. He has been the pastor there for close to 20 years, and has seen many great things happen in this time. Don't get me wrong... it wasn't all peaches and cream. Some people left South Biscayne because they weren't ready for this change. They were more concerned with maintaining the church than expanding it! John on the other hand is very Kingdom minded! God has used John to take South Biscayne from a small church of about 100 people with very little impact in the community, to a church of about 2500 people on the weekends that does nothing but impact the community 24/7!!! They are on the cutting edge... always evaluating what can be done to reach unchurched people more effectively! Don't think that John and South Biscayne's ministry is merely limited to South Florida! They also have a strong presence in the Ukraine, where they make frequent trips to love and reach out to the Ukrainian people.

John is the kind of person that excites people around him to reach the lost... myself included!!! His passion for loving the unlovely is contagious!!! I can say without reservation that John Cross is the man that the Florida Baptist Convention needs! We need a change for the better, and I believe that John is the guy that God wants to use to do this!!! So... in view of all this... VOTE JOHN CROSS (aka YJC) for President @ the Florida Baptist Convention this year!!! I promise you won't be disappointed!!!