Monday, November 24, 2008

Striving For Mediocrity...

Why is it that the church seems to always be striving for mediocrity???

We always seem to be happy with the way things are. I guess it's just easier that way.

So when is it that we will take the initiative to change this???

It's not something that just happens overnight.

Some effort & sacrifice is required &... BIG things might happen!!!

It's time that we get out of our comfort zones to try to accomplish something great for the Kingdom of God! There is no magic formula to usher in excellence... just doing what it takes, even when it's not convenient or comfortable! Just like I have challenged myself recently... I challenge you to step it up and take things to a whole notha level!!! I promise it's worth it!!! Besides... I think that Jesus stepped up to the plate, sacrificed more, and got more uncomfortable than you or I could ever imagine... and it was all because He loved us!!!

So if you really claim to be so passionate about your relationship with Christ... why not do the same for Him???


Anonymous said...

I agree, and I'm wanting to step it up myself. I can't wait to see what God has in store.

Tripp Battle said...

That's awesome Adam!!! The best advice I can give you to "Just Do It" (I know... real original phrase). It's worth it!!!