Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dream BIG...

What do you really believe that God is capable of in your life???
Are you attempting to limit what he wants to do in and through you???

Sometimes I think that we forget how big God really is! I am currently reading a book entitled "GO BIG" by Bill Easum and Bil Cornelius, and I am constantly being reminded that God has endless potential.

Why wouldn't God want to reach your community for his glory???
Why can't he use you, or your church???

Our churches have become stagnant and stale! It is time to wake up and remember that we are to be the salt of the earth! People should come to your church expecting excitement, not dreading disaster! I believe that it is not the fault of the people, but rather it is the fault of the pastor that so many churches have plateaued and are dying. It is the job of the pastor to constantly be casting the vision of the church, so that the people know what it is that is expected of them.

Are you busy casting vision, or are you caught up in the television???

It's time to get real... we live in a sin sick Satan serving society!!!

What are you willing to do to change all of that???

At Mosaic, we believe that God is up to something BIG... not because of us, but because we serve a BIG God!!! I would tell you some of the things that we are expecting here at Mosaic, but I would have to kill you!!! LOL... no but seriously!

If your dreams don't scare you at least a little bit... are you really even dreaming???

There are things about our future church plant (Baytown) that scare me even now... and we still have over a year before we even Launch! This uncertainty is to be expected... if we ever expected to reach the unchurched people of Crestview... and the unchurched people of South Florida!!! It time to step up and step out and do something that involves a little risk... even if it means we have to get a little uncomfortable to reach our goals!!!

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