Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I am taking a little break from telling about my church planting ventures in Central and South Florida. I promise that I will resume with that this week though.

Many of you already know about our new series beginning Easter Sunday entitled "no more christians" you can check out the site at http://nomorechristians.com.com . We have already gotten quite a bit of feedback from the signs that we put out all over Crestview, our TV commercial, and from the website.

Most of the negative feedback that we have received has been from "Christians". For some reason they seem to think that we are denouncing Christianity. We have been accused of being witches, a cult, and essentially Christian hater/bashers!

Those things couldn't be farther from the truth.

Our intention is not denounce Christianity but to examine why some people call themselves "Christians" and live their life in contradiction to what they "believe". We also plan to respectfully compare Christianity with these other belief systems so that people can make their own decision as to what to believe.

We do believe that Jesus Christ is the key to experiencing "real life" but we have a deep respect for people from all religious, philosophical, political, etc backgrounds and are an open environment where ALL can seek truth.

We are not trying to reach Christians, but those who are going to Hell and that churches in our area are not reaching. If your read the books UnChristian, Lost and Found, or Revolution you will find staggering research that shows that young adults (and many older adults for that matter) are not going to church, don't want to go to church, and have an overwhelming view that churches are filled with "hypocrites".

Crestview's population increased by over 7,000 since the year 2000 but church attendance has declined significantly.

We cannot sit back and let that happen. We are creatively and aggressively trying to show these people that God loves them so much that even though they are still sinners, Christ died for them!

We invite whoever is curious to join us in attendance for this series.


Steve said...

Hi Tripp!

Welcome to the real world atheists experience on a daily basis when they happen to speak freely about their non-belief in any of the assorted claims of religious adherents.

Christians propose that they are saving souls from an afterlife of torment in Hell for unbelief, while secularists, atheists, humanists, freethinkers and skeptics in general want to save people in this real life from dogmatic religious ideologies that assert they are special conduits to the divine directives and desires of supernatural beings beyond space and time.

I think that our common ground is promoting the beneficial ability to examine claims in the open marketplace of ideas and let folks decide for themselves.

Steve Schlicht
Biloxi MS

Tripp Battle said...

Thank you for the comment Steve! I agree that it is sad that Christians are intolerant of other peoples belief systems.