Sunday, August 31, 2008

Last Day...

Ok... so it's been a while since I've posted on my blog. I know... I'm slacking! Sorry. Anyways... today was my official last day @ LBC. It feels good to have the good bye's out of the way! No one likes good bye's. They were good to us, but we are compelled by the Holy Spirit to move on. I am ready to see what God has in store for us next. We are ready for our first day @ Mosaic!!! I really believe that God is going to grow us through this period. I hope that I can be of as much service to Mosaic, as I know Mosaic will be for me.

Pray for us... this Saturday we are going to Pensacola to scout around and pray over potential places to plant Baytown. I'm excited that we are going to start getting the ball rolling. There is definitely a lot of uncertainty in this endeavor to plant a church, but we know that God is going to provide for us beyond any expectations that Joy and I could ever have!!! I know this because God never calls us to things that he hasn't already made provisions for.


Wallaceofspades said...

Cool blog! Bigger and/or better things await you! Mosiac sounds like a cool church, but I've only heard the name and the Pastor, so maybe I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, but most books I've seen with cool names and inventive covers are pretty darn good! I hope that no matter where you are you are happy.

Tripp Battle said...

Thanks! I appreciate the comment... & don't forget... as of 2010 there is a church for you in Pcola. I hear the pastor is amazing too!!! ;)

Wallaceofspades said...

Your welcome, as always. And I can't wait to go to baytown, atleast a few times, and if I live around there, every week! Though, I still don't know who you heard that the pastor was amazing from, I think it's just a rumor, he's suppose to be pretty boring.